Edward Bunnage AXI4130/20

  • Name: Edward Bunnage
  • Address: UK
  • Model: Topflite P-51D Mustang
  • Motor: AXI 4130/20
  • Prop: 18" x 12" APC-Electric
  • ECS: Jeti advance 70 opto
  • Lipol: 6s (22.2v) 4000mAh
  • Weight: 3.8kg
  • Wingspan: 64in (1626mm)


This was my first large electric setup, having used AXI motors from 2000 it seemed that "stick to what you know works" theory would be a good choice... It was. nearly four years later and she still looks new and most importantly, i still get a kick out of  the flying.



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